Benefits Of Bible Study Based On Questions
As Christians, one of the things we battle with is doubt. Maybe you are born in a family of Christians, and as you grow up, you follow what the church and your parents tell you. But throughout your journey with Christianity, we have so many questions that make us doubt God. The church has always told us that doubt is sinful, so we pretend we are okay even if we have so many questions in us. God is all-powerful, and even if we do not speak out, he can see deep through us and sees we are doubtful. It is okay to ask questions for clarity; asking questions helps us to understand him better other than following him blindly without understanding his goodness. Some people end up resenting God because they feel he has been unfair to them, even if they pretend to be okay, they are hurting, and they may not see the kingdom of God. One of the ways of having our questions answered is through reading the bible. The bible is the word of God, and it is the only way of having a personal encounter with God. Therefore, some ministries understand the uncertainty that people have, and they offer bible study services based on their questions and answers.
The best thing about these ministries is that you do not have to attend the bible study physically, some websites are available where you can participate in the sections. You can also email them the questions that you have, and they will help in clarifying them. However, while asking these questions, we should follow specific principles so that we can honor and respect God. One of them is that we should understand that God’s ways are not our ways, and we cannot fully understand him. In the book of Isaiah, God says that there are times we will not fully understand him, and it is okay. Secondly, God is sovereign and is purpose and plan is perfect. No matter what is making you question God, he sees it, and it is according to his plan. The third principle we should understand is that according to Romans 8:28 God says that everything will work for good for those who are called to his purpose. This helps us understand that as long as we are children of God, God will walk with us through every tribulation, and he will help us out.
As we are asking the questions, they should come from a heart that seeks him better. God loves his father, and he would like us to understand him better. Therefore if you have questions, it is okay to ask them, and by reading the bible and listening to sermons, we can get all the answers we are looking for. However, it is essential to know that trusting God, even without having the answers, is a way of having faith and trusting in God. God delights in us when he sees that we can surrender to him even if we do not understand where he is leading us.