Something else you must consider is payment of any professional fees. Ask your potential realty specialists how they get paid. Find out how the fees are set up and get it in writing. Again, with the policy in writing, you know what to expect.
The areas in which the housing downturn has hit the hardest, such as Southern California, Nevada, Arizona, and Florida, also had the greatest growing spurts in previous years. The markets there are merely settling into equilibrium, which benefits everyone involved in the housing market. Home prices have been coming down because they escalated too high. Fewer buyers are in the market because most found homes during the boom. Once the over building of new homes scales down, the real estate market will be adjusted to normal. And, hopefully, the economy will follow suit.
Investors that are looking for international rentals for investing in Denmark will be disappointed as of now. The Rental yields are in the range of about 6{23980c7b50d25db549b9f821d0e84d538f9c88476149f72bd22781663d2a466f}, which is quite a low return. As the housing industry comes out of its slump, the rental yields will also increase.