Post ads on Craigslist & Backpage – Sites such as Craigslist allows a buyer to post an ad on the internet in minutes. Once you register, you will select a category to put your ad in such as House Wanted. You then fill in the fields for your Title, Price and Specific Location. The next field is a brief description of what you are looking for, how much you are willing to put down, etc. Once you complete your ad you can simply post it on the internet by clicking the post button. There is no charge for this service.
Purchasing real estate government by owner will allow you to negotiate directly with them throughout the entire process. Some homeowners will even make a deal with you by even doing their own financing. They may allow you to give them a down payment and make the monthly payments directly to them. It is common they will draw up a contract for you to sign and when you are done making the payments then the home will be yours. Many people like to do this because they don’t have to deal with a bank and fluctuating interest rates. It is also a good option when you cannot get qualified through a bank due to bad credit problems.